The Illustrated Fiction between 19th and 20th Century

  • Claudia Cao University of Cagliari
  • Giuseppe Carrara University of Milan
  • Beatrice Seligardi University of Sassari
Keywords: Illustrated novels, illustration, iconotextuality, visual culture


The issue The Illustrated Fiction between the 19th and 20th Century fits into the fields of the icono-textual and visual studies. It focuses on the publishing choices in the 19th and 20th centuries and their aesthetic implications. The contributions collected in this volume discuss both theoretical and methodological aspects, especially significant when the authors take part actively in the drawing process. The papers analyse national and international macro-trends, matters related to reception, contamination, influences in European production, and aesthetic issues regarding the relationship between word and image. This volume aims at examining case studies from a theoretical-comparative perspective, focusing on some successful illustrated novels published in Europe between the 19th and 20th century, in order to highlight their relevance to the above-mentioned field of studies.


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How to Cite
Cao, C., Carrara, G., & Seligardi, B. (2023). The Illustrated Fiction between 19th and 20th Century. Between, 13(25), i-xviii.

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