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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission must be previously unpublished and it must not be under current consideration for another journal.

  • The submission should be supplied in Open Office, Microsoft Word, RTF, or Open Document file format.

  • The text must adhere to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, is found in About the Journal, and must respect the maximum words count indicated for the given section.


Author Guidelines


To complete the online submission process, authors are required to follow the Submission Preparation Checklist appearing above these guidelines and the citation style (see below).

The papers, (see our call for papers) ready for publication and accompanied by an abstract and metadata, must be sent following the guidelines available on this website. For Book reviews, please follow the guidelines below.

To submit an article, please take the following steps:

  • register as “author” at http://ojs.unica.it/index.php/between/index
  • log in as “user” and click on “submit a proposal”
  • enter the required metadata: info, bio (see the “metadata” entry on this page), abstract, key words
  • upload article
  • select English from the drop-down menu and enter your metadata in English

Between welcomes papers in all languages, with preference given to Italian, French, English, Portuguese, Spanish and German.

Submissions in double language (e.g in English and in Italian) are welcome.

Submissions made in any other languages must be accompanied with an English or Italian translation.

Authors are obliged to supply an English version of the metadata of their proposal, in addition to the original language of the submission. To this end, in the online submission process, where relevant, a drop-down menu is available to change the language of the data inserted in the fields. (This is not to be confused with the similar drop-down menu for changing the language which is located on each page of the web interface, in the column on the right.) Once the author has entered both compulsory and optional metadata, before saving and proceeding to the next submission step, he or she must change language and complete the entry, inputting the outstanding metadata in the original language of the proposal.

For this reason, authors are required to provide the abstract and the metadata of their proposal both in English and in the language in which the paper is written.

Mandatory metadata, marked with an asterisk (*), includes: name and surname, e-mail address, title of the submission, and abstract. See also Metadata and Abstract.

For each submission, the author can propose between 5 and 7 keywords for the purposes of indexing. See also Keywords.

After the peer review process and editing, the author will have the opportunity to review his or her contribution (only to identify typos or literals). The review time is set at five working days from the date the material is supplied by the copyeditors. In the event that these deadlines are not met, no further textual changes or amendments will be possible.

The deadlines indicated in the Call for Papers (CFP) are to be considered inflexible. Acceptance of contributions received after the date of the deadline will be at the sole discretion of the editors.



Please use the template provided and consult the relevant instructions.  



The maximum length of contributions is about 40,000 characters. The maximum length of the article title is 220 characters. Characters are understood to include spaces between words.

Authors are advised to adhere to the house style as follows:

  • using single spacing;
  • using font Palatino (size 13) for the body text;
  • applying the bibliographic style (Author year) adhering to the instructions that follow;
  • resorting to footnotes at the bottom of the page only when strictly necessary;
  • numbering the pages consecutively (inserting the page number in the far right corner of the page header);
  • indenting new paragraphs by 1 cm;
  • refraining from using full stops at the end of article titles and subtitles.



Short or long quotations are followed by brackets with bibliographical data (Author’s surname Year: pages). In quotations from the same text that follow immediately thereafter, (ibid: new page number) is used.
Use Ibid. , starting with a capital letter, when it appears in brackets after a full stop at the end of a citation, i.e. (Ibid.: page number).

e.g. In the introductory chapter, Moretti states:«To begin with, this is an essay on literary history: literature, the old territory (more or less)» (Moretti 2005: 1). Afterwards, Moretti writes: «Quantitative research provides a type of data which is ideally independent of interpretations» (ibid.: 9) – but, he states - «that is of course also its limit: it provides data, not interpretation» (ibid.).

• Short quotations (i.e. up to3 lines)should be incorporated in the main body of the text, using guillemets (« »). However, if the reference is self-evident, one may indicate only the year within brackets and omit the author’s surname.

e.g.  Franco Moretti’s publication (2005) includes an essay, “Afterword”,  by Alberto Piazza.

• Longer quotations (i.e. 3 lines or more) should beset out from the main body of the text and format paragraph as follows: indented by 1cm on the left and right; justified; single spacing; in a size 12 font. Do not use double quotation marks for indented quotations. Please insert a line space between the body text and the indented quotations.

e.g. In the chapter titled “Graphs”, the author states:

Normal literature remains in place for twenty-five years or so… But where does this rhythm come from? Shklovsky’s hypothesis (however modified) cannot explain it, because the connection between the decline of an old form and the rise of a new one implies nothing about the regularity of the replacement. (Ibid.: 20)



Use double quotation marks (“ ”) to quote words, phrases, or expressions.

Use italics or single quotation mark (‘’) for foreign words (in a language other than that of the text) or to give special emphasis to an element.

Italics are to be used for publication titles, poetry collections or anthologies, journal titles and newspapers.



All notes are indicated by superscript numbers in the body text. Endnotes should be in Palatino size 12, indented by1 cm, and be justified. Do not leave blank lines or spaces between the notes. The notes, which are strictly explanatory, should be used only when essential and be very concise

Apply the same reference system to footnotes, i.e. (Surname year: page). When providing bibliographic citations in footnotes, use the house style indicated for the Bibliography. In the main text, the superscript number should appear before any punctuation marks and with no spaces before or after the numeral.

For example1.

1 In the chapter “Trees”, Moretti reproduces the semantic tree imagined by Francesco Orlando for his obsolete objects (Orlando 1993) and creates in figure 33 the tree for the Indirect style in modern narrative, 1800-2000 (Moretti 2005: 84).



Supply images in TIFF or JPG format, together with a caption.



References must be formatted and comply with the following examples.
No full stops are applied to the authors’ names.

a) Books

  • A book, with one author:

Moretti, Franco, Graphs Maps Trees. Abstract Models for a Literary Theory, London-New York, Verso, 2005.

Perec, George, La vie mode d’emploi, Paris, Hachette, 1978, it. tr. La vita istruzioni per l’uso, Milan, Rizzoli, 1989.

Woolf, Virginia, To the Lighthouse (1927), it. tr. Al faro, Ed. Nadia Fusini, Milan, Feltrinelli, 2000.

  • A book, with two or three authors:

Lowi, Theodore - Ginsberg, Benjamin - Jackson, Steve, Analyzing American Government: American Government, Freedom and Power, New York, Norton, 1994.

  • Editor/Editors:

Todorov, Tzvetan (ed.), I formalisti russi, Turin, Einaudi, 1968.

Lotman, Jurij M., Tipologia della cultura, Eds. Remo Faccani - Marzio Marzaduri, Milan, Bompiani, 1975.


  • An article in a book:

Fox, Charles James, “Liberty Is Order, Liberty Is Strength”, What Is a Man? 3,000 Years of Wisdom on the Art of Manly Virtue, Ed. Waller R. Newell, New York, Harper, 2001: 306-7.

  • Journal article:

Nielsen, Laura Beth. “Subtle, Pervasive, Harmful: Racist and Sexist Remarks in Public as Hate Speech”, Journal of Social Issues, 58.2 (2002): 265.

  • Articles in online magazines or newspapers:

After the bibliographical information (see examples above), add the web site address, online (last accessed [the date of the last access, in the format DD/MM/YYYY]).


Prum, Michel, “Gillian Beer, Darwin’s Plots”, Revue d'histoire du XIXe siècle, 26-27 (2003), http://rh19.revues.org/index784.html, online (last accessed 01/01/2011).

Scalfari, Eugenio, “Gran confusione nei cieli d'Europa”, la Repubblica, 05.04.2011, http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2011/03/27/news/gran_confusione_nei_cieli_d_europa-14142988/, online (last accessed DD/MM/YYYY)

c)Web pages and blogs

For articles published in online magazines or journals, use the method indicated above. For websites, web pages and blogs, use the following method:

  • Web pages:

Lev Manovich, “rendering theory articles”, Lev Manovich, 2011, http://manovich.net/2010/10/28/rendering-theory-articles/, web (last accessed 05/04/2011).

“Un parco d'arte per un libro”, Sito ufficiale della Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi, http://www.pinocchio.it/pinocchio/presentazione.php, web (last accessed 06/04/2011).

Dizionario latino,, web (last accessed 23/03/2011).

 d) Quotes from movies

Any quotes from films or videos used in the body of the text should be referenced as follows:  

Jules et Jim, Dir. François Truffaut, France, 1962.



Cfr.: compare to, confer

Dir.: directed by

(ed./eds.): editor/ editors, when their names follow

Ed./Eds.: editor/editors, when preceded by their names

Id.: the same author

Intr. di: introduction

it. tr.: Italian translation

n.e.: new edition

Pref.: preface

sgg.: and successive pages

tr.: translation




Each abstract, provided both in English and in the language in which the article is written, must not exceed 250 words. The abstract must clearly indicate the subject of the article and be written accessibly. In accordance with the inherent logic and order of the article itself, it should ideally be divided into three sections:
1. Purpose
2. Methodology
3. Findings

These elements are defined by ISO:
1. Purpose

State the primary objectives and scope of the study or the reasons why the document was written, unless these are already clear from the title of the document or can be derived from the remainder of the abstract. Refer to earlier literature only if it is an essential part of the purpose.

2. Methodology

Describe techniques or approaches only to the degree necessary for comprehension. Identify new techniques clearly, however, and describe the basic methodological principle, the range of operation, and the obtainable accuracy. For documents concerned with not experimental work, describe data sources and data manipulation.

3. Results/Findings

Describe findings as concisely and informatively as possible. There may be experimental or theoretical result obtained, data collected, relationship and correlations noted, effect observed, etc. Make clear whether numerical values are raw or derived and whether they are the results of a single observation or of a repeated measurements. When findings are too numerous for all to be included, some of the following should receive priority: new and verified events, findings of long-term value, significant discoveries, findings that contradict previous theories, or findings that the author knows are relevant to a practical problem. Limits of accuracy and reliability and ranges of validity should be indicated.

We suggest using the impersonal form in the third person, avoiding any biographical reference to the author. 


Classification and Keywords
When submitting a proposal, the author may propose a classification for his or her contribution, according to the Jita Classification Scheme of Library and Information Science.

The author is also required to include 5 keywords that are pertinent to the topics covered in the text. Keywords should be in the singular form, starting with lower case letters and separated by semicolon (;).

Author metadata

The author of the proposal must insert his or her biographical profile (in English and in Italian or the language in which the paper is written) in the metadata fields. The bio, not exceeding 150 words, should include: name and surname, professional title and institution, email address, areas of interest and research, and no more than 5 publications, cited concisely: Title (year of publication).


Book reviews

Between welcomes book reviews in the field of: comparative literature, theory of literature, literary criticism, didactics. For more details, see https://ojs.unica.it/index.php/between/Manifesto.

Note: Reviews with a critical and interpretative perspective are highly favoured.

The maximum length of book reviews is approx. 10,000 characters for single-authored books and 12,000 for multi-authored books. Please, use the template provided.

Authors who wish to submit a review and/or recommend new publications (published in the last 3 years), should contact the review editors directly. Please email claudia.cao96@gmail.com; corrado.confalonieri@unipr.it; giulio.iacoli@unipr.it .

Note: Reviews which are not approved by the editors in advance may not be accepted for publication.

How to quote: Please note footnotes and bibliographies are not included in the book reviews Quotations from the reviewed text are followed by the page number between brackets. E.g. [….] mettere in rilievo ogni «insofferenza della letteratura a ogni forma di riduzione o subordinazione» (XIII).

To reference other texts which are quoted in the review should be fully included within the text between brackets. E.g. […] come si potrebbe dire riprendendo il modello adottato da Giovanni Bottiroli per la “e” di Essere e tempo (Che cos’è la teoria della letteratura. Fondamenti e problemi, Torino, Einaudi, 2006: 338-339).

Deadlines: 15th April for the Spring issue; 15th October for the Fall issue.


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