Who Owns Anne Frank? From Cynthia Ozick’s Essay to the Shoah’s Spectacularization

  • Anna Baldini
  • Clotilde Bertoni
  • Niccolò Scaffai University of Siena
  • Domenico Scarpa
Keywords: Holocaust Literature and Cinema; 20th Century History; Anne Frank


In this issue, the section Open Field hosts a discussion focused on a short essay by Cynthia Ozick, Who Owns Anne Frank? The essay, published in 1997, was translated into Italian in 2019. The contributions start from Ozick's text to reflect on the genesis of Anne Frank’s book and on the presence of the Shoah in contemporary culture.


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Cynthia Ozick, Who Owns Anne Frank?, «New Yorker», 6 ottobre 1997;
Cynthia Ozick, Di chi è Anne Frank, trad. it. di Chiara Spaziani, Milano, La Nave di Teseo, 2019;
Anne Frank, Diario. Le stesure originali, trad. di Antonio De Sortis, Milano, Mondadori (“Oscar Moderni”), 2019.
How to Cite
Baldini, A., Bertoni, C., Scaffai, N., & Scarpa, D. (2020). <i>Who Owns Anne Frank?</i&gt; From Cynthia Ozick’s Essay to the Shoah’s Spectacularization. Between, 10(20), 347-367. https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/4434
Open Field: Ed. Clotilde Bertoni, Niccolò Scaffai

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