Truth at the Crossroads Between Internal and External Reality

  • Giuseppe Martini


The problem of truth and reality is extremely important and complex for both psychoanalysis and philosophy. At the center of the first one is the relationship between internal and external reality. At the center of the second discipline is the question about the nature of reality. This issue received dissimilar or antipodal answers: realism, relativism, idealism, narrativism, etc. The comparison between the analytical field and the philosophical sphere is developed on two sides. The first refers to the idea of ​​truth and the ambiguous and unresolved significance that the notion holds in both fields. However, particular importance is attributed to two positions: the idea of ​​an epistemophilic drive and the recognition of a two-way link between truth and interpretation. On the second side, a comparison is proposed between the psychoanalytic conception of reality in its various declinations and that is inherent the philosophy of history (with particular reference to narrativism versus critical realism). Indeed, history is the lowest common denominator shared by the two disciplines. It concludes by proposing an enhancement of the symbol and the translation paradigm. Thanks to them, a distancing from the triple risk of narrativism, naive realism and psychotic thought is perhaps possible.


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How to Cite
Martini, G. (2021). Truth at the Crossroads Between Internal and External Reality. Critical Hermeneutics, 4(2), 1-33.