Forms of Inattention Within the Psychoanalytic Setting

  • Giuseppe Martini Italian Psychoanalytic Society


The term "attention" does not find a prominent place in Freudian-derived psychoanalysis, nor does the literature currently seem to devote… much attention to it. In principle, a path could emerge that moves from Freud's idea of "free-floating attention", to proceed to the relationship between attention and interpretation as proposed by Wilfred Bion, and finally arrive at the concept of reverie, developed above all by Thomas Ogden and at the center of post bionian developments. From a summary examination, one could say that psychoanalysis is more interested in dis-attention than in attention, or in any case in those transformations/alterations of the attentional sphere that signal entry onto the scene of the unconscious. The author tries to reflect on the various relationships that can exist between free-floating attention, rêverie and inattention, to then return to the light of this on the problem of interpretation: thus different ways of conceiving it emerge, precisely on the basis of the different types of attention that we bring into play during the analytic session.


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How to Cite
Martini, G. (2023). Forms of Inattention Within the Psychoanalytic Setting. Critical Hermeneutics, 7(1), 235-252.