Mark Twain’s functional humor: rereading The Private Life of Adam and Eve

  • Carolina Pernigo University of Verona
Keywords: Mark Twain, Genesis, humor


Mark Twain was lifelong fascinated by the biblical book of Genesis. The characters of Adam and Eve returned many times in his writings and they became the symbol of a conflict between human creatures and God. In The Private Life of Adam and Eve, the American novelist uses humoristic strategies to conduct his argument and to show up his serious reasoning about some religious themes. In this way, we can place Twain’s irony side by side to Pirandello’s notion of “umorismo” to understand how the diaries of Adam and Eve are important in the main Twainian works.


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Author Biography

Carolina Pernigo, University of Verona

PhD in Comparative Literature (University of Verona)


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How to Cite
Pernigo, C. (2016). Mark Twain’s functional humor: rereading <i>The Private Life of Adam and Eve</i></p&gt;. Between, 6(12).
With God or Against God, but Never without God. The Laugh in Writing (and Rewriting)