Men and Machines. J.G. Ballard’s Proposal for the Present Age

  • Carolina Pernigo University of Verona
Keywords: Ballard, Crash, cars, machines, technological devices,


The aim of the article is to demonstrate how a writer can approach a living matter, the relation connecting men and technological devices. In the present day the people can’t impose on the natural environment anymore, because now it’s the technologized and inhuman world to control their lives. Ballard’s Crash was composed in 1973, but it can perfectly describe contemporary society. The author suggests a fusion between men and machines as a way to assure the survival of the human species in the present day. We’ll try to prove how his proposal could still work.



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Author Biography

Carolina Pernigo, University of Verona

She studied at the University of Verona, where she got a BA in Modern Literature with a dissertation about Ariosto’s Angelica in the 19th century rewritings; she also got a MA with a dissertation about different versions of Garibaldi’s Memoirs. Actually she is doing a PhD in Literature and Philology at the Graduate School for the Humanities. Her doctoral research relates to erotic obsession and technologies in modern and contemporary literature. 


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How to Cite
Pernigo, C. (2014). Men and Machines. J.G. Ballard’s Proposal for the Present Age. Between, 4(8).
Narratives of the Technological Imagination