In search of a female identity: the suppressed mother in Elizabeth Bowen’s The Last September

  • Claudia Cao
Parole chiave: Elizabeth Bowen, The Last September, female identity, relational identity, female genealogy


The Last September (1929) is a novel particularly significant in Bowen’s reflection on the definition of  the female identity and on the role of the relationship with other women in determining a woman’s  possibilities for self-determination. Starting from Marianne Hirsch’s analysis of mother-daughter plots,  this contribution aims to illustrate the reasons for which the initial destabilizing role of the protagonist  Lois against the conservatism of the family transforms, in the end, into passivity and subordination. This  passage, following both Hirsch and Irigaray’s thought, is due to two factors: the removal of the  protagonist’s origins, especially those relating to her mother, and the impossibility of a female genealogy  for her surrogate mother and other women belonging to a patriarchal value system.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare
Cao, C. (2017). In search of a female identity: the suppressed mother in Elizabeth Bowen’s The Last September. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 8(2), 222-236.

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