Aims and objectives of the journal

Rhesis - Linguistics and Philology publishes articles in all areas of functional linguistics with a methodological orientation towards empirical verification of theories. It welcomes linguistic studies applied to both classical and modern languages, and pays particular attention to research in the field of historical linguistics. It also accepts contributions of a philological nature that focus on textual and/or cultural issues.

Rhesis - Literature publishes articles on classical and modern literatures from all over the world. We are particularly interested in critical editions of literary texts, intertextuality, and the theory and criticism of literary genres. We also welcome contributions on the interpretation of literary texts and the various cultural manifestations and expressions of literary studies and related disciplines.

Open access policy

Rhesis adheres to the BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative) definition of Open Access policy permitting “[…] any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself.”

Peer-review process

The double-blind peer-review process, managed through the UniCa Open Journal System (OJS) platform, is employed by Rhesis to evaluate scientific contributions submitted to the Journal for publication.

Once a contribution has been accepted, one or two members of the Steering and Editorial Committees evaluate it to ensure that it is in line with the aims and scientific and quality standards of the Journal. Should the contribution be deemed suitable, the Steering Committee identifies two reviewers, experts in the field of study covered by the contribution, and communicates their names to the Editorial Committee. The contribution is then sent for evaluation. This phase typically takes three weeks.

To ensure the objectivity of the evaluation, the Steering and Editorial Committees undertake to keep the identity of both the reviewers and the author anonymous and ensure that the reviewers are independent of the author.

It is the responsibility of the reviewers to accept and comply with the Journal’s Code of Ethics, as well as to declare any potential conflicts of interest. In the event that a reviewer is unable to fulfil their duties, the members of the Steering Committee will identify an alternative expert.

Reviewers are typically given four weeks to complete their assessment of the contribution and return it to the Journal. The Steering Committee examines the evaluations and, in collaboration with the Editorial Committee, determines whether to accept the article for publication, request further revisions from the author, or reject the contribution.

Should a contribution be deemed unsuitable for publication in the Journal due to failure to meet its standards, lack of alignment with its intended scientific scope, or for other reasons (e.g. plagiarism and/or other violations of the Code of Ethics or other practices contrary to scientific integrity), the Steering Committee may, after consultation with the editor-in-chief, reject the contribution without sending it for external expert review (desk rejection).

Frequency of publication

The call for papers, which is currently visible on the homepage, is open throughout the year and has no deadline.

The journal is divided into two sections: Linguistics and Philology and Literature. Papers published on the website are assigned to one of these sections according to their subject matter, after peer review and formatting.

Submissions can be made from 1 January each year for the forthcoming issue of the journal. The call for papers is open throughout the calendar year. After peer review and formatting, each paper is published on the website. The annual issue is closed on 31 December. Submissions received after 30 October will be considered for the following year’s issue, subject to the procedures and timetable described above.

License and fees

All content published in Rhesis is licensed under the CC BY-ND 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives) International License, which permits the reproduction, distribution, communication to the public, public display, representation, and performance of this material by any means and in any format for any purpose, including commercial purposes, and does not permit the distribution of modified and/or reworked material. The authors of contributions retain the copyright, and proper credit must be given to them for any use of their work.

Rhesis does not charge any Article Processing Charges (APCs) or Article Submission Charges (ASCs).

Code of Ethics

Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature is published by the Department of Humanities, Languages, and Cultural Heritage of the University of Cagliari, a public institution dedicated to scientific research and teaching. The Department does not interfere with the freedom of choice and activity of the editor-in-chief and members of the Steering and Editorial Committees, provided that their work is consistent with the scientific mission of the Journal.

Rhesis is an open-access journal that employs the double-blind peer-review process, which is inspired by the Code of Ethics drawn up by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). The Journal acts on the principle that the handling of research materials should always be conducted by the authors in a legal and ethical manner and in accordance with international standards.

All parties involved in the publication of the Journal – authors, reviewers, editor-in-chief, Steering Committee, Scientific Committee, and Editorial Committee – are required to know and observe the provisions of this Code of Ethics.

Rhesis is not intended for commercial purposes. Consequently, the editorial processes, the decisions of the editor-in-chief, and those of the Steering and Editorial Committees are not influenced by any commercial considerations. The editor-in-chief and members of the Steering and Editorial Committees are engaged in their roles voluntarily.

Rhesis is committed to ensuring that authors, readers, reviewers, and all other stakeholders are fully informed about the Journal’s activities.

Authors’ responsibilities

Originality and plagiarism
It is the responsibility of authors to submit appropriate, original and unpublished contributions. Should it be necessary, authors are required to discuss these contributions with the Steering and Editorial Committees. Furthermore, authors are obliged to provide accurate references for all bibliographic sources and other contributions used throughout the research process.
Statements that are fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate are contrary to the ethical standards of the field and, therefore, unacceptable. In addressing such matters, Rhesis shall adhere to the principles set forth by COPE.

Multiple, repetitive or concurrent publications
It is unethical for authors to submit contributions that have already been published elsewhere or are under consideration by another journal. Parallel submissions are therefore unacceptable.

Authorship must be properly assigned. All those who made significant contributions to the organisation, implementation, and interpretation of the research underlying the article must be cited as co-authors. Any individual who played a significant role in the research process must be explicitly acknowledged.
In the event of co-authorship, the author submitting the contribution to Rhesis must correctly declare the names of all other co-authors and must have obtained their approval of the final version of the article and their consent to publication.

The authors warrant that the contents of their contributions, including images or multimedia documents of any kind, do not infringe any existing copyrights and release the publisher from any liability.
The authors warrant that the content of their contributions does not contain any defamatory or otherwise harmful material that infringes upon the moral or economic rights of other individuals, and that it is in accordance with the statements of the present Code of Ethics.

Conflicts of interest
Authors are required to declare any conflicts of interest and/or any incompatibilities that could influence the evaluation of contributions submitted to the Journal. The Steering Committee will evaluate the reports and, after consultation with the editor-in-chief, will express its opinion on the matter, communicating its decision to the author.

Errors and publication
In the event of an error or significant inaccuracy being identified in an article, the author is required to promptly inform the Journal and provide all the necessary information to enable the correction to be made. The Steering and Editorial Committees will ensure that this information is made available on the Journal’s website.

Reviewers’ Responsibilities

Contribution to editorial decision-making
The double-blind peer-review process is a tool that supports the Steering and Editorial Committees in their decisions on submitted contributions. Its purpose is to facilitate the improvement of articles. It is the responsibility of reviewers to evaluate contributions in an objective manner, with the sole aim of improving research and the scientific dissemination of results. This must be done in full compliance with the provisions of this Code of Ethics. It is the responsibility of reviewers to provide a rationale for their assessments by completing the evaluation form available via the OJS platform.

Any selected reviewer who is unable to complete the evaluation of the contribution within the prescribed timeframe or who feels inadequately prepared to do so must promptly inform the Journal. In the event that a reviewer is unable to fulfil their duties, the Steering Committee will identify a suitable replacement.

Any contribution to be evaluated must be considered confidential. Consequently, proposed contributions may not be discussed with individuals outside the Steering, Scientific and Editorial Committees without explicit authorisation.

Conflicts of interest
It is the responsibility of reviewers to notify the Journal in a timely manner if they have a conflict of interest that could affect their ability to evaluate a particular article. In the event that a conflict of interest is discovered after the assignment has been accepted, the reviewer must follow the same procedure.

The Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee consists of Italian and foreign scholars who are experts in the scientific fields of interest of Rhesis and play a pivotal role in ensuring the prestige of the Journal.

The Editor-in-Chief’s Responsibilities

The editor-in-chief must exercise their duties in a fair and objective manner and must ensure that the Journal and its organs do not discriminate against authors on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, and/or political orientation.

Publications and related decisions
In the event that the editor-in-chief deems an article to be inappropriate, contrary to the mission of the Journal, of mediocre quality or not in line with the scientific fields covered by the Journal, he/she may reject it without peer-review, following consultation with the Steering Committee (desk rejection). This decision is made in a fair and impartial manner, based on criteria that are communicated to the author.

Conflicts of interest
The editor-in-chief, in consultation with the Steering Committee, assesses and decides on cases of conflicts of interest based on the principles set forth by COPE.

The Steering Committee’s Responsibilities

The Steering Committee assesses the intellectual content of articles submitted to the Journal regardless of the gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, and/or political orientation of the authors.

Publications and related decisions
In close collaboration with the Editorial Committee, the Steering Committee assesses the suitability of articles submitted to Rhesis in accordance with the Journal’s objectives and scientific and quality standards.
The Steering Committee is responsible for identifying anonymous reviewers based on the scientific topics covered in the contributions sent to the Journal.
The Steering Committee examines the evaluations provided by the reviewers and, in collaboration with the Editorial Committee, determines whether to accept the article for publication, request further revisions from the author, or reject the contribution.
Should a proposed contribution fail to meet the standards of the Journal and/or its Code of Ethics, the Steering Committee, following consultation with the editor-in-chief, is entitled to reject it without sending it to external experts for evaluation (desk rejection).
The same process of double-blind peer-review is applied to contributions submitted for publication by members of the Steering Committee.
The final editorial decisions are clearly communicated to the authors via the OJS platform. Should an article be rejected, the Steering Committee will consider appeals from authors; however, it is not obliged to alter its decision.

Each member of the Steering Committee is obliged to ensure the anonymity of authors and reviewers and to refrain from disclosing any information about the contributions to any individual other than the author, reviewers, and other members of the Steering Committee.

Publications and errors
The Steering Committee, in consultation with the Editorial Committee, is responsible for the management and publication of any significant errors and/or inaccuracies found in the contributions published after being reported by authors and/or readers of the Journal on the Journal’s website. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the Steering Committee to publish clarifications, retractions, and apologies, if necessary, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the COPE regulations.

Conflicts of interest and violations of the Code of Ethics
In the event of a conflict of interest being reported, the Steering Committee, following consultation with the editor-in-chief, will replace the reviewer who is unable to perform the assessment work in a manner that ensures impartiality.
In collaboration with the editor-in-chief, it addresses cases of breach of the Code of Ethics.

The Editorial Committee’s Responsibilities

The Editorial Committee, in consultation with the Steering Committee, assesses the intellectual content of articles submitted to the Journal regardless of the gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, and/or political orientation of the authors.

Publications and related decisions
The Editorial Committee acts in cooperation with the members of the Steering Committee and is committed to ensuring that contributions are in line with the scientific and quality objectives and standards of the Journal.
The members of the Editorial Committee oversee and utilise the double-blind peer-review processes fairly and prudently.
The Editorial Committee works in collaboration with the members of the Steering Committee to assess the reviewers’ evaluations and to make decisions regarding contributions. These decisions may include acceptance of the article for publication, requests for further revisions from the author, or rejection of the contribution.
In the event of any instances of potential conflict of interest, the Editorial Committee is obliged to report these to the Steering Committee.
The same anonymous and objective peer-review process is applied to contributions submitted for publication by members of the Editorial Committee.

Each member of the Editorial Committee is obliged to ensure the anonymity of authors and reviewers and to refrain from disclosing any information about submitted contributions to any individual other than the author, reviewers and other members of the Editorial Committee.

Publications and Errors
The Editorial Committee, in consultation with the Steering Committee, handles and publishes on the Journal’s website any significant errors and/or inaccuracies found in the contributions published upon notification by authors and/or readers of the Journal.

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Names and email addresses included on the Journal's website will be used exclusively for the stated purposes and will not be made available for any other use. As for data-protection regulations, see Unica privacy policy.