Le continuazioni di Great Expectations. Uno sguardo d’insieme

  • Claudia Cao
Keywords: Great Expectations, continuation, rewriting, Estella, Magwitch, Jack Maggs


Of Charles Dickens’ novels, Great Expectations (1861) is undoubtedly a case of special interest for the number of rewritings that this classic has given rise to since its publication 150 years ago. Among the various types of rewritings, this article focuses on three sequels published in the 1980s and 1990s: Magwitch by Michael Noonan, Estella by Alanna Knight and Jack Maggs by Peter Carey. The aim of the article is to highlight what rewriting strategies these novels have in common and their different effects, while showing the distinct ways they respond to the enigmatic Dickensian ending.


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How to Cite
Cao, C. (2012). Le continuazioni di Great Expectations. Uno sguardo d’insieme. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 3(2), 22-43. https://doi.org/10.13125/rhesis/5517