Feticism and irony of the pornographic ékphrasis in Lichen by Alice Munro

  • Beatrice Seligardi
Keywords: Alice Munro, Ekphrasis, Fetish and Literature, Literature and Rhetoric, Aging in Literature


The aim of this article is to trace the relationship between ekphrasis, fetish and desire in Alice Munro’s short story Lichen. The core of the story is the description of a Polaroid snapshot which represents a female sexual organ. The analysis will focus on the different perspectives between male and female gazes that are represented in the story. On the one hand, from the male point of view the image is fetish, as it assumes an erotic and pornographic dimension. On the other hand, the female gaze deconstructs the violence inscribed in the image by using a verbal and rhetorical strategy that operates through irony and epiphany.  


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How to Cite
Seligardi, B. (2013). Feticism and irony of the pornographic ékphrasis in <i>Lichen</i&gt; by Alice Munro. Between, 3(5). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/906

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