Self-censorship and Resistances in Leiris's and Savinio's Autobiographical Texts

  • Gennaro Schiano Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Keywords: Autobiography, Leiris, Savinio, Self-censorship


In the landscape of genres autobiography seems to provide a favored perspective by which observe the relationships between literature and its “legislative” dimension whether considered as existential act or analyzed as literary form tout court; indeed if in the first case the repressions and the taboos that have hindered its diffusion in times not too remote could be included in rules and laws, for the most part unofficial, that regulate literary imagery, in the second case its hybrid morphological features could be observed as a case study in the connections among paradigmatic laws of genre and syntagmatic rules of texts. Autobiographical text establishes a two-faced relationship with Law: on the one hand is constantly subordinated to the laws that influence the writing subject, on the other hand is strongly insubordinated to the unstable rules of genre. However this two-faced relationship seems to assume special connotations in twentieth century. 


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Author Biography

Gennaro Schiano, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Dottorando di ricerca in Filologia Moderna


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How to Cite
Schiano, G. (2012). Self-censorship and Resistances in Leiris’s and Savinio’s Autobiographical Texts. Between, 2(3).
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