Memory, Trauma and Mythopoeia: Lawrence of Arabia and Wu Ming 4's Stella del mattino

  • Emanuela Piga University of Cagliari


This article reconsiders the narrative construnction of the historical novel in the light of recent critical debates. Bearing in mind the overarching theme of the hybridization of the historiographic and literary genres, the article examines in detail Wu Ming 4’s solo novel, Stella del mattino (2008). In this work, the rewriting of real, once existing historical characters follows a thread of verisimilitude against the backdrop of meticulously reconstructed historical scenarios. By focusing on the use of history, allegory and myth in the novel, the aim of this study is to examine the narration of the overcoming of Trauma of the First World War through the therapeutic value of writing. In so doing, emphasis is given to passages in which the reader is able to grasp, between  the scattered fragments of history, moments of the utopian impetus, thanks to the narration of communal moments of being and everyday life practices.


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Author Biography

Emanuela Piga, University of Cagliari

Research fellow in Comparative Literature at the University of Cagliari, she achieved her PhD in 2009 at the University of Bologna for her thesis entitled Memory and Representation of historical violence in late XX Century. In 2008 she was visiting scholar at the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies of the University of London, where she worked on a project on culture and memory. In 2004 she specialized in General and Comparative Literature at the University of Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle, with a thesis on otherness and the representation of violence in the rewriting of myth female characters in Christa Wolf. She's presently working on memory and history in the european novel.


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How to Cite
Piga, E. (2011). Memory, Trauma and Mythopoeia: Lawrence of Arabia and Wu Ming 4’s <i>Stella del mattino</i&gt;. Between, 1(2).