How to Theorize a Hypermodern Humor: the case of Walter Siti
What we talk about when we talk about humor? To what extent can one talk today about humor? The concept that Luigi Pirandello defined as the ability to express «the feeling of the opposite» (1908) appears as an essential requirement to the contemporary writer. It is a necessary tool for whom aims to represent the society of the divided subject, which is supported by an ideology grounded and built on the ambivalence of the message and the inability of mainstream audience to decode it. By analyzing texts from the major phase of Walter Siti’s oeuvre – the five “autofictional” novels, i. e. Scuola di nudo (1994), Un dolore normale (1997), Troppi paradisi (2006), Resistere non serve a niente (2012), Exit Strategy (2014) – in comparison with works from other contemporary writers, such as Philip Roth, Don DeLillo and Jonathan Coe, as well as referring to the humoristic lesson provided by Pier Paolo Pasolini, this article attempts to theorize a hypermodern humor. It is a type of humor that paradoxically keeps many features from modern humor, even if not necessarily the ability to raise a laugh.
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