Virginia Woolf’s learning to hybridize: Laurence Sterne's sneer at generic boundaries

  • Paolo Bugliani University of Pisa
Keywords: Virginia Woolf, Laurence Sterne, Life-writing, Hybridity, Literary Genres


The paper aims at assessing the treatment that Virginia Woolf the critic reserved to Laurence Sterne, and at highlighting the main sites in Woolf’s ‘Poetics’ where the influence of the Augustan humorist was strongest, i.e. the delicate relation between Life and Literature, and the idea of a Poetry that transcends the limits of verse to encompass prose and prosaic expressions. In order to demonstrate this fruitful filiation, the essays where Woolf dealt directly with Sterne have been analyzed in parallel with other critical pronouncements and/or journal entries where the author developed the metaliterary hints that Sterne’s example roused. 


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Author Biography

Paolo Bugliani, University of Pisa

Paul Bugliani is PhD student at the department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics at the University of Pisa, where he is completing a thesis on the romantic essayist Charles Lamb. This research has led him to modernist and contemporary essay-writing (e.g., Virginia Woolf and the hybridization of the boundaries of literary genres; Jonathan Franzen and life-writing). He has recently published an article on Virginia Woolf’s essay-writing, “La «speciale provvidenza» nella caduta di una falena: ibridismi woolfiani tra saggio e short story” (Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione, V, 2016: 43–66).


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How to Cite
Bugliani, P. (2016). Virginia Woolf’s learning to hybridize: Laurence Sterne’s sneer at generic boundaries. Between, 6(12).
Tristram Shandy's Offsprings. Sterne's Ancestry and Heritage