«Do you (really) believe in evil?». Psycho, televisione seriality and its viewer

  • Mauro Giori Università degli Studi di Milano
Keywords: television seriality, Alfred Hitchcock, cinema


Even if the influence exercised by Hitchcock on the cinema is widely known, it has been largely disregarded by scholars, especially in comparison to the uncountable studies devoted to dissect his own movies. Hitchcock’s influence on television has been even more disregarded. This essay draws on the case study involving Psycho (1960) to enlighten a few radical changes to which intertextuality in the television seriality underwent in the past thirty years. In fact, the classical seriality and the most recent one (usually referred to as the new seriality of quality television) have handled the intertextual relationship in very different ways. The selection of the contents offered by the model is different: indeed, difficult topics and issues, such as serial killing, mental illness and queer sexuality, as well as the performative side of gender, were hardly suitable for the classical seriality. More importantly, it is the conception of the viewer and of his/her habits that changed considerably, so much so to influence the conception and form of series themselves.


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Author Biography

Mauro Giori, Università degli Studi di Milano

Mauro Giori (mauro.giori@unimi.it) è assegnista di ricerca presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. Si occupa prevalentemente di storia culturale del cinema dal dopoguerra, con particolare attenzione alle questioni relative alla rappresentazione della sessualità e del gender, nonché di filologia del cinema e di storia della critica cinematografica. È autore di Alfred Hitchcock. Psyco (2009), Poetica e prassi della trasgressione in Luchino Visconti. 1935-1962 (2011), Luchino Visconti. Rocco e i suoi fratelli (2011), Scandalo e banalità. Rappresentazioni dell’eros nel cinema di Luchino Visconti (1963-1976) (2012), Nell’ombra di Hitchcock. Amore, morte e malattia nell’eredità di Psycho (2015). Ha inoltre curato l’edizione italiana di The Hollywood Hallucination di Parker Tyler, di prossima uscita.


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How to Cite
Giori, M. (2016). «Do you (really) believe in evil?». Psycho, televisione seriality and its viewer. Between, 6(11). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/2077