Humanism and Comparative Literature

  • Chiara Lombardi Università di Torino
Keywords: Contemporary Humanism, Comparative Literature, World Literature, Classics, Humanities


The essay focuses on the notion of ‘contemporary humanism’, with particular attention to the cultural and methodological role of Comparative Literature in defining and studying the concept.

Humanism is a central notion in the development of the European and the Western idea of literature, for textual reception and exegesis. Nowadays, however, the concept has taken on many different meanings, and many of them stem from the crisis of the traditional humanism and from anti-humanistic philosophical positions. With Edward Said, therefore, we may speak of an ‘anti-humanistic humanism’, i.e a self-critical humanism. Starting from the analysis of the theoretical debate, the essay will take into consideration the languages and the forms (such as intertextuality) in which contemporary literature expresses self-critical positions. At the same time, the importance of considering new perspectives between the present and the past, and between those that have been considered central or peripheral cultures, contributes to rethinking the notion of “classics”.

As I will try to demonstrate, from this point of view Comparative Literature plays a fundamental role among the Humanities (a role we hope will be of cooperation and cross-disciplinarity), and in the field of teaching and research, publishing, cultural assets and artistic heritage, by contributing to build a critical, autonomous and long-lasting culture, and to enhance the critical faculty, civic duty and freedom of thought in contemporary democracies.


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Author Biography

Chiara Lombardi, Università di Torino

Graduated cum laude and press dignity in Classical Philology, conferred with a PhD in Comparative Literature, since 2007 Chiara Lombardi is Research Fellow in Comparative Literature at the Department of Studi Umanistici (University of Torino), where she currently teaches.

Her main fields of research and teaching involve the modern reception of ancient literatures, the studies of literary characters, the Renaissance European Literature and the XXth Century Comparative Literature.

She translated Shakespeare for Einaudi and Bompiani, and she published several essays and four books: Mondi nuovi a teatro. L'immagine del mondo sulle scene europee di Cinquecento e Seicento: spazi, economia, società, Milano, Mimesis, 2011; Troilo e Criseida nella letteratura occidentale, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2005; J. M. Coetzee, ­­Tra allegoria e intertestualità: l’eroe ‘ stupido’ di J. M. Coetzee, Alessandria, Dell’Orso, 2006; ­­«La sacra isola sotto il sole». Il mito di Atlantide in Platone, Casti, Foscolo, Leopardi, Civitavecchia, Edizioni Prospettiva, 2006.


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How to Cite
Lombardi, C. (2013). Humanism and Comparative Literature. Between, 3(6).
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