Teachings. A walk on the ‘Piagge’ with Remo Ceserani

  • Orsetta Innocenti
  • Simona Micali
Keywords: Teaching, School, University


During a walk on the ‘Piagge’ (a long pathway along the Arno river in Pisa), Orsetta Innocenti and Simona Micali talk with Remo Ceserani about school and college education, the relationship between a teacher and her/his students, about textbooks, school and university reforms.


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Author Biographies

Orsetta Innocenti

Orsetta Innocenti (Università di Siena), (Italy, 1972), graduated in Teoria della Letteratura at the University of Pisa (1996); she is alumna of the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa), where she took her Diploma in 1997. In 2001 she defended her PhD Thesis in Comparative Literature at the University of Roma Tre, where she has had a two-years (2002-2004) Junior Research Fellowship. From 2004 to 2006 she held a two-years post-doctoral fellowship in Comparative Literature at the University of Bologna. From 2003/04 to 2010/2011 she held a temporary position as teacher of Italian Literature at the University of Siena (Facoltà di Lettere, sede di Arezzo) and since 2001 she also holds a permanent position as teacher of 'Materie Letterarie' at the "I.I.S. - Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Ferraris-Brunelleschi", of Empoli. She has published two volumes and several essays on Italian and European literature. Her fields of research are the representation of Romance in contemporary European literature, the relationship between literature and history, the relationship between science and literature and the juvenile literature.

Simona Micali

Simona Micali studied Humanities and Italian Studies at the University of Pisa and at the Scuola Normale Superiore; after a PhD in Italian Literature at the University "Ca' Foscari" in Venice, she was Visiting Professor of Italian or Comparative Literature at the University of Bologna and Brown (USA). Presently she is Assistant Professor (Ricercatore) of Italian Literature at the University of Siena (Arezzo).

From 1997 to 2004 she was Treasurer of Compalit; since 2001 she ia a member of the Executive Committee of Synapsis. Since 2003 she is also on the Editorial Board of «Contemporanea». In 2013 she was appointed as co-director of INCH – International Network for Comparative Humanities.

She has published three books and several essays on modern and postmodern literature.


Ceserani, Remo, “Storie letterarie e industria culturale”, Belfagor, 25 (1971): 332-44; 26 (1971): 112-19; 29 (1974): 350-60.

Ceserani, Remo, “L’industria culturale e la scuola”, Belfagor, 30 (1975): 475-80.

Ceserani, Remo, “Ricordo di Lidia De Federicis”, Le parole e le cose. Letteratura e realtà, 13 febbraio 2013,

http://www.leparoleelecose.it/?p=8754 (ultimo accesso 12/10/2013).

Ceserani, Remo, “I manuali scolastici fra utopia e compromessi di mercato”, Per Romano Luperini, Ed. Pietro Cataldi, Palermo, Palumbo, 2010: 497-500.

Corlazzoli, Alex, “Lettera ai miei allievi: oggi hanno bocciato il maestro!”, Il Fatto Quotidiano, 17/12/2012,

http://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2012/12/17/lettera-ai-mieiallievi-oggi-hanno-bocciato-maestro/448870/ (ultimo accesso 11/10/2013).

Milani, Isabella, L’arte di insegnare. Consigli pratici per gli insegnanti di oggi, Milano, Vallardi, 2013.

Scuola di Barbiana, Lettera a una professoressa, Firenze, Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, 1967.

Segre Cesare – Corti, Maria (eds.), I metodi attuali della critica in Italia, Torino, Eri, 1980.

Veen, Wim – Vrakking, Ben, Homo Zappiens. Crescere nell'era digitale, Roma, Idea, 2010.

How to Cite
Innocenti, O., & Micali, S. (2013). Teachings. A walk on the ‘Piagge’ with Remo Ceserani. Between, 3(6). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/1030