Italian comics and cinema: forms and functions of pornographic parody

  • Mauro Giori Università degli Studi di Milano
Keywords: comics, pornography, cinema, parody


This essay aims at analyzing an aspect of pornography as notorious as neglected by scholars: that of parodying a text of some sort. The article focuses on porn comics, which in Italy, between the 1960s and the 1980s, bloomed and contributed to prepare the way to the emergence from clandestinity of film porn industry. Considering the different relationships established between mainstream cinema and pornographic, from giving the face of a well known actor to a character to conceiving a proper film spoof, this essay will enlighten forms, characteristics and functions of parody which are specific to pornography.


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Author Biography

Mauro Giori, Università degli Studi di Milano

Mauro Giori is a post-doc researcher at University of Milan. The majority of his research is focused on the cultural history of Italian cinema, with a special emphasis on the representation of sexuality. He is the author of Alfred Hitchcock. Psyco (2009), Poetica e prassi della trasgressione in Luchino Visconti. 1935-1962 (2011), Luchino Visconti. Rocco e i suoi fratelli (2011), Scandalo e banalità. Rappresentazioni dell’eros nel cinema di Luchino Visconti (1963-1976) (2012), Nell’ombra di Hitchcock. Eros, morte e malattia nell’eredità di Psycho (2015), and Homosexuality and Italian Cinema 1945-1977 (forthcoming from Palgrave McMillan).


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How to Cite
Giori, M. (2016). Italian comics and cinema: forms and functions of pornographic parody. Between, 6(12).
Sometimes they come loose. Parody and satire through the codes