Human Captivity. Prison Punishment between Political Economy and Moral Economy

  • Alessandro Deiana Università di Cagliari
Keywords: Prison, Political Economy, Moral Economy, Common Sense, Popular Culture


The paper starts from the ascertainment of the existence of a moral disposition for which there are crimes that must be punished with imprisonment. This disposition is hegemonic today. It is therefore one of the many elements that make up ideology, common sense and popular culture. We will try to contribute to the explanation of this moral disposition through the categories of political economy and moral economy. From a critical perspective, it is a matter of understanding what makes the condition of a human being reduced to captivity tolerable, for the common sense.  In other words, why the intolerable becomes tolerable.


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How to Cite
Deiana, A. (2020). Human Captivity. Prison Punishment between Political Economy and Moral Economy. Medea, 6(1).