A Blind Prophet and a Mendacious Seeing. Urban Frontiers in Fin-de-Siècle Madrid (Misericordia by Benito Pérez Galdos, 1897)

  • Giovanni Cara University of Padua
Keywords: Galdós, Naturalism, Modernism, Urban space, Symbolism


The article underlines some underrated aspects of the interest Galdós demonstrates, in the eighties and nineties of the nineteenth century, for narrative strategies contradicting a strict adherence to realism. In particular, with Misericordia the author looks into the anatomy of Madrid's social body to find in the category of the social outcasts a possible deliverance.



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Author Biography

Giovanni Cara, University of Padua

Researcher of Spanish Literature at the University of Padua. Among his latest publications, in collaboration with Anna Bognolo and Stefano Neri, Repertorio delle continuazioni italiane ai romanzi cavallereschi spagnoli. Ciclo di Amadis di Gaula, collana “l’Europa delle corti”, Bulzoni, Roma 2013; study and traduction of Condenado por desconfiado, in Maria Grazia Profeti (ed.), Lope de Vega Carpio, Tirso de Molina, Miguel de Cervantes, Il teatro dei Secoli d’Oro, vol. I, Classici della letteratura europea, Bompiani, Milano 2014.



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Cara 2012b = G. Cara, L’ebbrezza dell’incontro: Sancho, Ricote e la frontiera (Quijote, II, 54), in A. Cannas, T. Cossu, M. Giuman (a cura di), Xenoi. Immagine e parola tra razzismi antichi e moderni, Liguori, Napoli 2012, pp. 199-208.

Chamberlin 1978 = V. A. Chamberlin, The importance of Rodrigo Soriano’s Moros y cristianos in the creation of Misericordia, “Anales galdosianos”, XIII, 1978, pp. 105-109.

Cohen 1973 = S. E. Cohen, Almudena and the Jewish theme in Misericordia, “Anales galdosianos”, VIII, 1973, pp. 51-61.

González López 1972 = E. González López, Cervantes, maestro de la novela histórica contemporánea: La Historia del Cautivo, in Homenaje a Casalduero, Gredos, Madrid 1972, pp. 179-187.

Mas 1967 = A. Mas, Les turcs dans la littérature espagnole du siècle d’or, Centre de Recheches hispaniques, Paris 1967.

Panizza  2000 = E. Panizza, Léxico exótico glosado en autobiografías de cautivos españoles (siglos XVI-XVII), Cleup, Padova 2000.

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How to Cite
Cara, G. (2015). A Blind Prophet and a Mendacious Seeing. Urban Frontiers in <em>Fin-de-Si&egrave;cle</em> Madrid (<em>Misericordia</em&gt; by Benito P&eacute;rez Galdos, 1897). Medea, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.13125/medea-1830

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