The necropolis of Jebel Zebouzi (El Kef): integrated and multiscale archaeological analysis of protohistoric megalithic structures from Northern Tunisia
This paper focuses on the integrated and multiscale archaeological analysis of the necropolis of Jebel Zebouzi in El Kef, Northern Tunisia, shedding light on the complex and diverse megalithic structures that characterize the region. North Africa features a vast array of pre-Roman funerary monuments, ranging from monumental tombs influenced by Punic and Roman-Hellenistic examples to autochthonous rock-cut chamber tombs known as haouanet. The landscape is further enriched with bazinas, chouchet, tumuli, and dolmens, in some cases forming extensive necropolises. Despite their visibility, the understanding of these structures remains limited. Early assumptions regarding their dating were challenged, suggesting a Late Bronze Age origin. After two centuries of research, there remains a significant hiatus in knowledge regarding the spatial arrangement, funerary traditions, and chronology of these megalithic necropolises. To bridge this gap, the research project described in this paper has employed cutting-edge techniques such as drone imagery, photogrammetry for documentation during remote and on-foot surveys. Together with selected excavations and bioarchaeological analysis, the goal is to reconstruct some of the necropolis’ stratigraphical and spatial configuration, offering insights into horizontal and vertical social complexity and the utilization of space. The study addresses hence the phenomenon of reuse and modification of these ancient monuments over time, raising questions about cultural appropriation, memory, history, and the negotiation of cultural identity. This comprehensive approach aims to contribute to the understanding of North African pre-Roman funerary practices and the cultural dynamics that shaped these megalithic landscapes.
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