That burning desire of translating».The Streben of translation between Leopardi and Bonnefoy
There are many investments having to do with literary translation.
Referring to some important translation studies on the topic, the study starts with Giacomo Leopardi who focuses on a theoretical and practical view on translation according to a “desiring” perspective: in the Zibaldone, in the paratexts of his works and especially in his juvenile Scherzi epigrammatici.
That same perspective will occur in Leopardi being translated as well.
Among the many possible examples, the one belonging to Yves Bonnefoy is particularly meaningful since the French writer inscribes his translation of Leopardi within a specific dynamic of Desire («per quanto insufficiente sia la traduzione, […] essa ha dato forma a un desiderio, rivelato un affetto»). It becomes the key, in critical texts, to understand Leopardi’s poetry as it happens in his unique translation-interpretation of the Canto notturno where the moon, close to the shepherd, agrees to «boir de son désir, de son espérance», accompanying him «riante».
Bonnefoy dwells, also with regards to other translated authors such as Shakespeare, upon the «fantasmes» of the text which the poet-translator, driven by a firm «désir conceptuel», must be able to sort out in order to convey the work to be translated in relation to the enigmatic sense of poetry and poetic reading, that is according to the sense of his Desire.
Berman, Antoine, La traduction et la lettre ou l’auberge du lointain, Paris, Seuil, 1999.
Bigi, Emilio, “Il Leopardi traduttore dei classici (1814-1817) “, La genesi del Canto Notturno e altri studi sul Leopardi, Palermo, Manfredi, 1957.
Blasucci, Luigi, “Una fonte linguistica (e un modello psicologico) per i Canti: la traduzione del secondo libro dell’Eneide“, Leopardi e il mondo antico (Recanati, 22-25 settembre 1980), Firenze, Olschki, 1982: 283-299.
Bonnefoy, Yves, La communauté des traducteurs, Strasbourg, Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 2000, trad. it. di Fabio Scotto La comunità dei traduttori, Palermo, Sellerio, 2005.
Id., Keats et Leopardi. Quelques traductions nouvelles, Mayenne, Mercure de France, 2000.
Id., L’enseignement et l’exemple de Leopardi, Périgueux, William Blake & C., 2001.
Id., “Quelques propositions quant aux sonnets de Shakespeare”, Shakespeare poète, Actes du Congrès organisé par la Société Française Shakespeare, 16-18 mars 2006, textes réunis par Pierre Kapitaniak, sous la direction d’Yves Peyré, Paris, Société Française Shakespeare, 2007.
Id., L’opera poetica, Ed. Fabio Scotto,trad. it. di Diana Grange Fiori ‒ Fabio Scotto, Milano, Mondadori, 2010.
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D’Intino, Franco, Poeti greci e latini, Roma, Salerno, 1999.
Dotoli, Giovanni, Yves Bonnefoy dans la fabrique de la traduction, Paris, Hermann, 2008.
Fasano, Pino, L’entusiasmo della ragione. Il romantico e l’antico nell’esperienza leopardiana, Roma, Bulzoni, 1985.
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Primo, Novella, “«Stretto tra lacci rosei». Leopardi tra vincoli della traduzione e desiderio di poesia negli Scherzi epigrammatici”, Atti del XIII Convegno Internazionale di Studi Leopardiani, Leopardi e la traduzione. Teoria e prassi (Recanati, 26-28 Settembre 2012), in corso di stampa.
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