Lalla Romano and the World of School: Themes and Records of Memory

  • Novella Primo University of Catania
Keywords: Lalla Romano, School, School Essays, , Railway, Trial.


Although having taught in schools for a long time (1928-1959), Lalla Romano has seldom focused on her work about her profession of a teacher.

However, the universe of school emerges in various writings ranking as one of the remembrance places from which personal childhood, adolescence memories come back to mind (Dall’ombra: 1999) and particularly maternal memories in the book Le parole tra noi leggere (1969) in which a great deal of space is dedicated to P., the writer’s son, and his troubled school career which is thought again through the introduction, in the body of the narrative, of full excerpts of his essays highlighting some recurrent semantic fields, as the rail, P.’s proper “object of desire” during his tormented and unresolved Bildung.

In 1992 Romano publishes Un caso di coscienza, hitherto poorly regarded by critics, in which she sides with Mimma, a school colleague, involved in a controversial court case.

Differently from the majority of novels where the world of school recurs as the background, Romano approaches this type of narrative adopting unusual perspectives, often showing a self-defensive attitude taken on by the narrating voice towards those characters who, just like P. and Mimma, oppose the general trend, thus clashing with the, sometimes rigid, logic of institutions.



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Author Biography

Novella Primo, University of Catania

Novella Primo, Ph. D. both in Italian Studies (2002) and French Studies (2012), is currently leading research about Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature at the University of Catania (DISUM).

She has worked mainly on Ariosto, Leopardi, Lalla Romano, Quasimodo, comparing these authors and the classic world, according to an inter-textual key of interpretation.

Among her publications: Giuseppe Savoca-N. Primo, concordanza delle traduzioni poetiche di Giacomo Leopardi, Olschki: 2003; Leopardi lettore e traduttore (Insula: 2008), «Al chiaror delle nevi». Poeti-traduttori francesi di Leopardi a confronto (Milella. 2012). Many contributions have appeared in journals and conference papers including: “Flaubert c’est moi”: ilcuore semplicedella narrativa di Lalla Romano (Le forme del romanzo italiano e le letterature occidentali dal Sette al Novecento, MOD 2008; ETS: 2010) and Beyond the bounds: twentieth-century variations on the myth of Alcestis («Between», vol. I, n. 1 2011;


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Cavallera Hervé, Antonio, Storia della scuola italiana, Firenze, Le Lettere,2013.

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How to Cite
Primo, N. (2014). Lalla Romano and the World of School: Themes and Records of Memory. Between, 3(6).