Post-Apocalypse Now. Cinema and Zombie Series as a Pre-mediation of Contagion: Spaces, Media and Lockdowns

  • Mirko Lino Università degli Studi di Palermo- Università degli studi dell'Aquila
Keywords: Zombie studies, Film and media studies, Pre-mediation, Coronavirus, Lockdown


The article aims to analyse the relationship between post-apocalyptic imagery of cinema and TV series and the reality of the Coronavirus pandemic focussing on the zombie as an allegory of the biological virus. Broadening this allegoric perspective, zombie fiction will be used as an epistemological model to explain unpredicted manifestations of catastrophic large-scale phenomena in a way that resembles Richard Grusin’s notion of “pre-mediation” (2010; 2017). In detail, the analysis will focus on the viral media representations of open and closed spaces during the 2020 lockdown, aiming at illustrating the capacity of cinema and TV series to offer the tools to interpret the symbolic interaction between humans and the virus.


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Author Biography

Mirko Lino, Università degli Studi di Palermo- Università degli studi dell'Aquila

Università Palermo: Dipartimento di Culture e Società, Cultore della materia "Cinema e Media"

Università dell'Aquila: Dipartimento di Scienze Umane; Docente a contratto di Storia del cinema e critica letteraria


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Days Later, Dir. Danny Boyle, Regno Unito, 2002.

Weeks Later, Dir. Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, Regno Unito, Spagna, 2007.

Dawn of the Dead, Dir. George A. Romero, Usa, 1978.

Day of the Dead, Dir. George A. Romero, Usa, 1985.

Dead Set, Dir. Charlie Brooker, Regno Unito, 2008.

Diary of the Dead, Dir. George A. Romero, Usa, 2007.

I Am a Legend, Dir. Francis Lawrence, Usa, 2007.

In the Flesh, Dir. Dominic Mitchell, Regno Unito, 2013-2014.

Land of the Dead, Dir. George A. Romero, Usa, 2005.

Night of the Living Dead, Dir. George A. Romero, Usa, 1968.

Pontypool, Dir. Bruce McDonald, Canada, 2008.

RealityZ, Dir, Claudio Torres, Brasile, 2020

The Last Man on Earth, Dir. Ubaldo Ragona/Sidney Salkow, Italia/Usa, 1964.

The Return of the Living Dead, Dir. Dan O’Bannon, Usa, 1985.

The Walking Dead, Dir. Frank Darabont/Robert Kirkman, Usa, 2010- in corso

World War Z, Dir. Marc Forster, Usa, Regno Unito, 2013.

Z-Nation, Dir. Karl Schaefer e Craig Engler, Usa, 2014-2018.

How to Cite
Lino, M. (2021). Post-Apocalypse Now. Cinema and Zombie Series as a Pre-mediation of Contagion: Spaces, Media and Lockdowns. Between, 11(22), 114-138.