«Se non mi guardi non brillo» («If you don’t look at me I don’t shine»). The mise-en-scene of the body in Chroma Keys. Interview with Motus

  • Doriana Legge
  • Mirko Lino Università degli Studi di Palermo- Università degli studi dell'Aquila
Keywords: Motus; Chroma Keys; Intermediality; Performance Studies; Film Studies


Since 1991, Motus theater company (Enrico Casagrande and Daniela Nicolò) has been moving in various hyper-contemporary directions, working with Beckett, DeLillo, Genet, Fassbinder, Rilke and Pasolini. Whether their works be theatre shows, performances or installations, the body is always at centre stage: a subversive body in revolt that demands to be seen. In Chroma Keys the performance centres around the body of the actress Silvia Calderoni, who, immersed in a “green screen” setting wanders through scenes from several films, transforming herself into a presence that communicates with the images. With Chroma Keys, Motus build-up an inter-medial operation, where the tradition of the travelling theatrical performance and the “cinema of attractions” merge and interact with each other. The show was recently held at the Auditorium del Parco - Renzo Piano, L’Aquila, within Aria Teatro Festival program; on that occasion we interviewed Daniela Nicolò.



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Author Biography

Mirko Lino, Università degli Studi di Palermo- Università degli studi dell'Aquila

Università Palermo: Dipartimento di Culture e Società, Cultore della materia "Cinema e Media"

Università dell'Aquila: Dipartimento di Scienze Umane; Docente a contratto di Storia del cinema e critica letteraria


How to Cite
Legge, D., & Lino, M. (2020). «Se non mi guardi non brillo» («If you don’t look at me I don’t shine»). The mise-en-scene of the body in Chroma Keys. Interview with Motus. Between, 10(20), 368-380. https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/4444
Conversation Pieces / Interviews: Ed. Massimo Fusillo