Perhaps, Venice. The "parallel worlds" of the lagoon landscape according to Zanzotto and others
The essay takes into account some of the literary representations of Venice in the second half of the 20th century to offer an exemplification of how a real place can “access fictional existence” (Doležel), starting from the splendid “loco-descriptive prose” entitled Venezia, forse (1977), written by A. Zanzotto as an introduction to the photographic volume Essere Venezia by F. Roiter.
In this prose Zanzotto stops to consider the “parallel worlds”, euphoric and dysphoric, germinated from the lagoon landscape, as a dialogue with the photographs by Roiter, but also with Diario italiano by H. Hesse (1901-1903) and with the movie Casanova (1976) by F. Fellini.
Taking a look at the chosen works from a comparative point of view that focuses on Visual Studies and Ecocriticism, what emerges is an icostic portrait of the ideolized city-landscape as a place for infinite fictional possibilities in which the precarious meets the eternal, the truth collides with lies, and in which the funeral omens are hinted at, more than by the literary tradition consacrated by Mann in his Der Tod in Venedig (1912), by the environmental disasters caused among other things by the hypertrophic industrial area of Marghera, on which various intellectuals from Bassani to Pasolini, from Montale to Guccini focused.
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Morte a Venezia, regia di L. Visconti, Italia, 1971.
Casanova, regia di F. Fellini, Italia, 1976.
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