«Out there in the world»: The Violence of the Real in America at the End of Millennium

  • Simone Carati
Keywords: Reality, Violence, DeLillo, Roth, Fincher


This essay draws inspiration from two novels and a film realized at the end of the 20th Century, Underworld by DeLillo, American Pastoral by Roth, and Fight Club by Fincher, in order to develop a reflection upon the relationship between reality and fiction, focusing mainly on the depiction of violence. The analysis of formal and structural aspects is alternated with thematic considerations. Each of these three case studies refers to an «out there» chaotic world in contrast to the characters’ ordinary lives, which are perceived as inauthentic.   


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Author Biography

Simone Carati

Simone Carati is a PhD student in Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures at the University of Bologna, and is part of the curriculum in Cultural and Literary Studies based at the University of Studies of L’Aquila. His research project is focused on the comparative analysis of thematic, structural and formal aspects of some novels realized at the end of the 20th Century and at the beginning of the 21st, especially in the U.S.

E-mail: simone.carati2@unibo.it


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How to Cite
Carati, S. (2020). «Out there in the world»: The Violence of the Real in America at the End of Millennium. Between, 9(18). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/3732