Iconografie del melodrammatico fin de siècle: Salomé di Wilde/Beardsley e La signorina Else di Schnitzler/Fior

  • Beatrice Seligardi University of Parma
Keywords: graphic novel, illustration, melodrama, fin de siècle, Fior, Beardsley


The article aims at comparing two works that show a melodramatic representation of the fin de siècle woman: the tragic drama Salome written by Oscar Wilde and illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley and the graphic novel La signorina Else by Manuele Fior based on Schnitzler's novel.


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Author Biography

Beatrice Seligardi, University of Parma
Beatrice Seligardi holds a Phd in Euroamerican Literatures and in Literay and Cultural Studies obtained at the PhDnet between the University of Bergamo and the Justus Liebig University of Giessen. She is member of the editorial board of Between and Studi Culturali. She collaborates with the University of Parma.


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How to Cite
Seligardi, B. (2017). Iconografie del melodrammatico <i>fin de siècle</i>: <i>Salomé</i> di Wilde/Beardsley e <i>La signorina Else</i&gt; di Schnitzler/Fior. Between, 7(14). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/2799
Contemporary Melodramas. Cinema, TV, Graphic Novels