The Tragedy of Work: Working Class Heroes in the Italian 21st-century Literature

  • Claudio Panella University of Turin
Keywords: Industrial Labour, Thyssen, Ilva, Asbestosis, Récit de filiation,


The paper aims at exploring how the literary representation of the worker has changed between the end of 20th-century and the beginning of the 21st-century. With the fall of the 20th-century ideologies and raising the fragmentation of labour, texts have emerged in Italian literature which illustrated the tragic social and existential condition of the working class. Among these texts we can find some récits de filiation written by sons and daughters of workers whose health and ideals have been undermined even down to death. These typology of texts let emerged two equally tragic characters: fathers, ill and defeated but still working class heroes and sons, tragically conscious of their roles witnesses-superstites of those ‘denied heroes’. Among the texts being tackled in the paper Il nemico (2009) by Emanuele Tonon, Amianto (2012) by Alberto Prunetti, Il fuoco a mare (2015) by Andrea Bottalico, Ilva Football Club (2016) by Fulvio Colucci and Lorenzo d’Alò


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Author Biography

Claudio Panella, University of Turin

 Claudio Panella is PhD in Comparative Literature and teaches academic writing at the University of Turin. His researches focus on Italian and French literature of the XX and XXI century. With Stefano Tubia, he is author of Pistoia in parole. Passeggiate con gli scrittori in città e dintorni (ETS, 2013). He has published several essays about the literary representation of industrial and post-industrial work, among wich: “Crisi globale e nuovi realismi: dismissioni e spaesamenti nell’Italia degli anni 2000”, La letteratura italiana al tempo della globalizzazione (Presses Universitaires de Paris Ouest, 2014); “Lavoro e mal di lavoro: il ritorno delle fabbriche nella letteratura italiana del nuovo millennio”, Cinquant’anni dopo: letteratura e industria (Edizioni dell’Orso, 2014); “Raccontare il lavoro”, Negli archivi e per le strade (Aracne, 2013); “«Le retour au réel», entre fiction et témoignage, dans la littérature italienne des 20 dernières années”, Dire le travail (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013).


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How to Cite
Panella, C. (2017). The Tragedy of Work: Working Class Heroes in the Italian 21st-century Literature. Between, 7(14).
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