Rewriting the Sacred Texts from a Feminist Perspective: Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve

  • Eleonora Federici Dipartimento di Studi Letterari Linguistici Comparati


Carter’s text is extremely interesting as a text type being a mixture of different literary genres, allusions to canonical texts and to popular culture. Moreover, the text is challenging from a lexical perspective. Carter’s stylistic choice is a contextually motivated choice given by her willingness to deconstruct Western myths and patriarchal ideologies on gender, race and class. Places, wastelands of this dystopic novel; it is a story of desert places, forgotten cities and dystopic spaces which remind the Bible and the New Testament.  The rewriting of sacred texts is carried on through parody and rhetorical strategies such as metaphor and metonymy.  All these elements support the persuasive technique utilized by the writer who possesses a subversive feminist potential.


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Author Biography

Eleonora Federici, Dipartimento di Studi Letterari Linguistici Comparati

(M.A. e Ph.D University of Hull, UK) è Professore Associato di lingua e traduzione inglese all’Università L’Orientale di Napoli. Le sue principali aree di ricerca sono i Translation Studies, gli studi di genere, gli studi sull’utopia e la fantascienza, e i linguaggi specialistici del turismo e della pubblicità. Tra le sue pubblicazioni The Translator as Intercultural Mediator (Uniservice 2006), Translating Gender (Peter Lang 2011) e Quando la fantascienza è donna. Dalle utopie del XIX secolo all’età contemporanea (Carocci 2015). Ha curato The Controversial Women’s Body: Images and Representations in Literature and Arts (Bononia UP 2003, con V. Fortunati e A. Lamarra), Nations, Traditions and Cross-Cultural Identities (Peter Lang 2009 con A. Lamarra), Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice in Translation and Gender Studies (Cambridge Scholars 2013 con Vanessa Leonardi), il numero monografico “Forme, strategie e mutazioni del racconto seriale” di Between vol.6, n.11 (2016) con A. Bernardelli e G. Rossini.


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How to Cite
Federici, E. (2016). Rewriting the Sacred Texts from a Feminist Perspective: Angela Carter’s <i>The Passion of New Eve</i&gt;. Between, 6(12).
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