The Satirical Dramas. From Ubu roi by A. Jarry to Roi Bombance by F.T. Marinetti
The aim of this essay is to analyze the parenthood relationship between Ubu Roi, ‘puppet’ play by Alfred Jarry (1896), and Roi Bombance, Rabelaisian «tragedia satirica» (satirical tragedy), written by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti and published in 1905 by «Mercure de France» ( Baldoria, 1910). The main objective is to identify how the composition models and the intellectual purposes of Ubu Roi, which was defined «a truculent culinary metaphor», give a new shape to Jarry’s grotesque fabulism.
The tragically hilarious representations of the carnivalesque drama written by the creator of the Pataphysics (the science of imaginary solutions)are presented in Marinetti’s work through a social and metaphysical pessimism expressed in a bloating and ridiculous way.
The Illusory Idealism of the Idiot-Poet here vortically coalesces with the hungry masses, ready to devour their king and to throw him out soon afterwards, bringing him back to life through an intestinal rebirthing. It confirms the Grand Guignolesque historical and anthropological disenchantment which supports the optimistic and pragmatic voluntarism of the upcoming Futurism.
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