Sexless Pornographies: Webseries' Parody of the Obscene

  • Mirko Lino University of L'Aquila
Keywords: Porn Studies, Webseries, Parody, Participatory Audience, Soft-Core.


My paper focus on contents referring to pornographic topics, organized in a webnative media format: the webseries. The aim of my paper is to observe and analyze the parodic construction of pornography through the use of communicational channels of the web, taking notice of the aesthetical and representational horizons stimulated by the rhetoric of the parodied original content. Through the analyzed webseries, especially some episodes taken by James Gunn’s Pg Porn (2008), I will mainly dwell on the parodies of traditional pornography and its representations of obscenity. The “spreadability” (Jenkins, Ford, Green, 2013) of porn parodies on the Internet reaffirms the breaking through of the public sphere by an obscene code. The porn parody webseries can be considered as self-referential textualities, in which one can read the needs of a “softcore” sensibility between the lines, making possible to think a kind of porn contents that Peter Lehman, for example, has called “pornography without genitals” (2011).


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Author Biography

Mirko Lino, University of L'Aquila

Università dell'Aquila: Dipartimento di Scienze Umane; Docente a contratto di Storia del cinema e critica letteraria



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Filmografia e webserie

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How to Cite
Lino, M. (2016). Sexless Pornographies: Webseries’ Parody of the Obscene. Between, 6(12).
Sometimes they come loose. Parody and satire through the codes