Transitional Maps in Shadow Lines: A Response to Silvia Albertazzi

  • Marina Guglielmi Università di Cagliari
Keywords: Donald W. Winnicott, Amitav Ghosh, Transitional maps, Geography


My response to Silvia Albertazzi’s paper on The Shadow Lines by Amitav Ghosh focuses on a key element of the discourse: the function and use of the map in the definition of subjectivity.

The first step I take is to identify the presence of a relationship between the individual subject and that of the collective in Ghosh’s novel. From there forward, the relationship between real and imaginary becomes critical to the analysis of the question of the construction of the self in the narrator.

The real/imaginary dichotomy acquires meaning when placed in contact with the notion of the borders lying between the external world and the internal world.

The concept of the Transitional Object developed by Donald W. Winnicott is used in this context to formulate the hypothesis of representation in the Ghosh’s novel, of transitional maps which facilitate the passage of the character of the internal world (the self) to the external world (the non-me).

Using maps such as these, the narrative representation of the connection between internal space and external space contributes to the literary construction of the physical features of the individual subject.


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Author Biography

Marina Guglielmi, Università di Cagliari
Marina Guglielmi is Lecturer in Comparative Literature at the University of Cagliari. Her principal areas of research are: theory of literature, rewritings, translations and adaptations, and modern and contemporary women writers. Her publications include: Virginia, ti rammenti… Le riscritture di Paul et Virginie (2002); L’eredità di Babele: Situazioni e percorsi di letteratura comparata (2000, co-edited with M  Guglielmi and S Maxia); and Idee di letteratura (2010, co-edited with M Guglielmi and D Caocci). She is the editor of the critical book series “Trame”, published by Armando, Rome.


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Albertazzi, Silvia, In questo mondo. Ovvero, quando il luoghi raccontano le storie, Roma, Meltemi, 2006.

Albertazzi, Silvia – Vecchi, Roberto (eds.), Abbecedario postcoloniale, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2004.

Gellner, Ernest, Nazioni e nazionalismo (1983), Roma, Editori Riuniti, 1997.

Ghosh, Amitav, The Shadow Lines, London, John Murray, 1988.

Jakob, Michael, Paesaggio e letteratura, Firenze, Olschki, 2005.

Jakob, Michael, Il paesaggio, Bologna, il Mulino, 2009.

Sartre, Jean-Paul, Immagine e coscienza. Psicologia fenomenologica dell’immaginazione (1940), Torino, Einaudi, 1948.

Simmel, George, "Ponte e porta", Saggi di estetica, Padova, Liviana, 1970.

Winnicott, Donald W., Gioco e realtà (1971), Roma, Armando, 2006.

Wunenburger, Jean-Jacques, "Surface et profondeur du paysage: pour une écologie symbolique", Espaces en représentation, Ed. Bruno Duborgel, Université de Saint-Etienne, Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Etude et de Recherche sur l’Expression Contemporaine, Travaux XXXIII, 1982.

How to Cite
Guglielmi, M. (2011). Transitional Maps in <i>Shadow Lines</i&gt;: A Response to Silvia Albertazzi. Between, 1(1).
Cartographies of Comparative Studies