Bartolo Cattafi and His «isole lontane»

  • Nadia Rosso
Keywords: Travel, Limit, Life, Destiny, Sicily


Great traveller and tireless observer, the Sicilian poet and writer Bartolo Cattafi was trying to escape from his land for his whole life, which was conducted paradoxically autour de sa chambre, but also travelling through islands and continents, where he found inspiration for his poetry and prose.

For this reason, his literary contribution, which never betrayed his poetic nature and reporter character, gives an added value to the modern ulyssic dimension. The latter considers travelling as an essential life step and it is closely related to the concept of attachment to its own land. These two perspectives, often met in his different «isole lontane», define the career of this singular migrant figure. Initially he moves to Milan to fulfil the need to find a job. Later he will find in his own Sicily the harmony and the serenity he has been looking for in the course of his travels.

The writings collected in 2008 and object of this study reveal interesting affinities to those published in the “Mondadori” series edited by his good friend Vittorio Sereni and that explain part of the works belonging to the Sicilian author, clarifying his topoi and obsessions.


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Author Biography

Nadia Rosso
Nadia Rosso graduated in Theory of Literature at Faculty of Literature and Phylosophy of University of Catania writing a thesis about Italo Calvino and the translation. She awarded a PhD in lexicography and semantics of the European literary language at the same University. The PhD thesis was entitled: Lettura concordanziale delle poesie di Bartolo Cattafi. Amongst her essays: Il «verde domani» nella memoria cattafiana, Olschki 2006; L’«esatta prigione» di Bartolo Cattafi, Bonanno 2009;  Calvino e Queneau: un'idea di romanzo, ETS 2010; «Garanzia» and «serietà». Calvino e il mercato delle traduzioni in casa Einaudi, ETS 2011.


Amoroso, Giuseppe, “I «segni» di Cattafi tra «biancocarta» e «neroparola»”, Letteratura Lingua e Società in Sicilia: studi offerti a Carmelo Musumarra, Palermo, Palumbo, 1989: 571-577.

Bachelard, Gaston, La poetica dello spazio, Bari, Edizioni Dedalo, 1970.

Baldacci, Luigi, “Cattafi e Caproni”, Antologia Vieusseux, n.s., V.14 (1999).

Cattafi, Bartolo, Nel centro della mano, Milano, Edizioni della Meridiana, 1951.

Id., Partenza da Greenwich, Milano, Quaderni della Meridiana, 1955.

Id., Le mosche del meriggio, Milano, Mondadori, 1958.

Id., Qualcosa di preciso, Milano, Scheiwiller, 1961.

Id., L’osso, l’anima, Milano, Mondadori, 1964.

Id., L’aria secca del fuoco, Milano, Mondadori, 1972.

Id., Segni, Prefazione di M. Bulgheroni, Milano, Scheiwiller, 1986.

Id., Le isole lontane, Ed. Nino Sottile Zumbo, introduzione di Paolo Maccari, Messina, GBM, 2008.

De Maistre, Xavier, Viaggio intorno alla mia camera, introduzione, traduzione e note di Nicola Muschitiello, Milano, BUR, 1991.

Gezzi, Massimo, “T.S. Eliot in Bartolo Cattafi”, Sentieri poetici contemporanei, Interlinea, Novara, 2004: 35-55.

Grasso, Sebastiano, “Astrazioni di Cattafi”, Corriere della sera, 20 gennaio 2007: 42.

Sciascia, Leonardo, La corda pazza, Milano, Adelphi, 1970.

How to Cite
Rosso, N. (2011). Bartolo Cattafi and His «isole lontane». Between, 1(1).
Myths and Themes of Crossing Over