The Masters of Teachers. School, Society, Critics in Interesting Times by Eric Hobsbawm and Out of Place by Edward Said.

  • Mauro Pala Università di Cagliari
Keywords: Edward Said, Eric Hobsbawm


The article discusses two works, Out of Place (1999) by Edward Said and Interesting Times (2002) by Eric Hobsbawm. These books shows a mix between autobiography and metanarrative attitudes, between personal life and intellectual engagement.


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Author Biography

Mauro Pala, Università di Cagliari

Mauro Pala teaches Comparative Literature at the University of Cagliari. 


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How to Cite
Pala, M. (2013). The Masters of Teachers. School, Society, Critics in <i>Interesting Times</i> by Eric Hobsbawm and <i>Out of Place</i&gt; by Edward Said. Between, 3(6).
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