Eros and Bios: «Il sopravissuto» by Antonio Scurati

  • Giuliana Benvenuti
Keywords: Antonio Scurati, Il sopravvissuto, eros, bios


Il sopravvissuto written by Scurati investigates the relationship between politics and life on the basis of Nietzsche’s philosophy. The novel outlines the dark shadow this relationship project on human life: it shows how the most significant conflict of our time has as object the living body of human being. The Sopravvissuto represents, in fact, a generational conflict where teachers and students deal with a high rate of violence. The educational and the psychiatric institutions as well as the police are not able to take position against the expression of negative power by the younger generation. A generation betrayed in his aspiration to the "sublime" and in his struggle to reach a fullness of life.


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How to Cite
Benvenuti, G. (2013). Eros and Bios: «Il sopravissuto» by Antonio Scurati. Between, 3(6).