Desires and Masses. A Reflection on the Present
In the last forty-five years the psychic life of the Western masses has undergone an unprecedented metamorphosis; we have all been transformed and overwhelmed by this metamorphosis. Many of the categories with which we judge the present, with which we take an ethical-political position on the problems of our time, seem unable to grasp reality or because they refer to a future that is only a projection of a desire which no longer refers to a political project, or because they refer to a past that will not come back. What are the most considerable traits of this metamorphosis? What’s happened?
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Žižek, Slavoj, How to Read Lacan, London, Granta, 2006; trad. it. Leggere Lacan. Guida perversa al vivere contemporaneo, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2009.
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