«Nothing to laugh»: ironic apocalypses of G. Morselli and M. P. Shiel

  • Francesco Sielo Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli - SUN
Keywords: Shiel, Morselli, Apocalypse, Dystopia, Utopia


Dissipatio H. G. and The Purple Cloud are among the earliest manifestations, in both literatures, of “last man on Earth” tales and both display an unusual ironic mode, clearly against what will be usual in the in the apocalyptic-dystopian genre. Through a comparison between those elements of two text that have no equal in other literary works, this article aims to analyze the dynamics dystopia-apocalypse-utopia, from an ironic description of our world as dystopian, through the apocalypse, up to a possible utopian, new beginning. Among the common issues, the most meaningful is that the preservation of relics of past civilization becomes, in both authors, a destructive fury, that characters show against all human remains and especially against items of modern civilization. Ironic criticism of contemporary society became, in both authors, psychological will to summarize and then «parentesizzare», parenthesize, through an apocalyptic narration, every aspects of contemporanean culture, in order to reactivate an utopian imagery. 


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Author Biography

Francesco Sielo, Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli - SUN

He was graduated in Modern Philology in 2010 at Università Federico II of Naples (supervisor Professor Antonio Saccone). Subsequently was graduated in the PhD course of “Letteratura e cultura europea” at SUM – Istituto italiano di Scienze Umane (Scuola Normale Superiore). From 2012 to 2016 he publishes several articles, such as: Eugenio Montale e Emily Dickinson: eternità e istante nel «Giorno del Giudizio» (2015), Simone Weil: l’attesa di Dio, l’attesa del vuoto (2015), Il finale chiuso in Antonio Tabucchi (2013), Gli intellettuali italiani e il cinema: il caso esemplare di Eugenio Montale (2013), Montale: «Ciò che dobbiamo alla Francia» (2012) and partecipates as a speaker in various conferences as MOD 2013, Brown University 2014, CSIS – Canadian Society for Italian Studies 2015 and Compalit 2015. In January 2014, he is visiting student at the University of Cambridge (UK). From the academic year 2015/2016 he is external professor of “Letteratura italiana contemporanea” at Seconda Università of Naples – SUN.


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How to Cite
Sielo, F. (2017). «Nothing to laugh»: ironic apocalypses of G. Morselli and M. P. Shiel. Between, 6(12). https://doi.org/10.13125/2039-6597/2199
A Laugh Will Outlive You. Postmodern, Posthumous and Postreme Humour