Giuseppe Pontiggia and parody: Vite di uomini non illustri

  • Cristina Nesi Università di Siena
Keywords: parody, comic, imaginary biographies, short stories


«Everything in nature is lyrical in its ideal essence, tragic in its fate, and comic in its existence», it is the Santayana’s exergue, that is chosen by Giuseppe Pontiggia for Vite di uomini non illustri (1993), parody of Dizionario biografico.

The writer tells about eighteen lives with many parody mode, which range from humor to seriousness, from light tones to a destabilisation of the literary genre.

One of the eighteen stories, called  Una goccia nell’oceano divino, it has been freely reused by Mario Monicelli for Facciamo Paradiso.



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Author Biography

Cristina Nesi, Università di Siena
Cristina Nesi, teacher, is interested in the twentieth-century short story, the industrial literature and the twentieth-century theater. She is the author of Dialogo in pubblico (1995, 2006) with Maria Corti and she has written also the monograph Sebastiano Vassalli (Cadmo 2005). She has collected rare and unpublished prose by Alfonso Gatto such as Il pallone rosso di Golia (1997) and L'Arno dalla sorgente al mare (2006). She has arranges the exhibition and edited the catalogue Il giacobino Federico Zardi (2002) for the Piccolo Teatro di Milano. She has edited the opera omnia by Romano Bilenchi (1997) for Rizzoli and Scritti scelti by Ottiero Ottieri (2009) for Meridiani Mondadori.


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How to Cite
Nesi, C. (2016). <p>Giuseppe Pontiggia and parody:<em> Vite di uomini non illustri</em></p&gt;. Between, 6(12).
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