Derision, Desire, Identification in Some Pages of Michel Houellebecq

  • Valentina Sturli Università degli Studi di Padova
Keywords: Houellebecq, Laugh, Desire, Identification, Atomised


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the presence of typically comic narrative elements, especially concerning the characters’ sexual and social life in Houellebecq’s novels. The primary effect of this elements is to make the reader laugh, but also to cause him to distance themselves from the disturbing representations. At a later time, the same elements will trigger identification mechanisms in the reader thorough their pathetic connotations. The method is a close reading of some pages of Houellebecq’s novels Whatever (1998) and Atomised (1998). The key assumption is that the literary text is always ambivalent, multiform and plural, and that these components can brought to light thorough textual analysis. 


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Author Biography

Valentina Sturli, Università degli Studi di Padova

Valentina Sturli, PhD Student -  Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari, Università degli Studi Padova and École Doctorale IV, Civilisations, cultures, littératures et sociétés, Université Paris IV Sorbonne ( -, has a MA in Latin Philology – University of Pisa; a “Diploma di Licenza” in Classical Philology, Language and History – Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa; a MA in Dynamic Psychology – University of Florence. Her research’s interests contemporary Literature, Theory of Literature, Hermeneutics and Contemporary Literary Criticism. She’s strongly interested in investigating the relations and connections between Literary Studies and Science of Mind. 


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How to Cite
Sturli, V. (2017). Derision, Desire, Identification in Some Pages of Michel Houellebecq. Between, 6(12).
A Laugh Will Outlive You. Postmodern, Posthumous and Postreme Humour