Traduzione in arabo del romanzo Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Strategie traduttive e riferimenti culturali specifici

  • Emanuela De Blasio
Keywords: Arabic childrenʼs literature, fantasy literature, translation studies, Harry Potter and the Philosopherʼs Stone


The international fame of some fantasy novels such as the Harry Potter saga by Joanne Kathleen Rowling,  which can be cataloged within the fantasy literature for children and teenagers, has produced great interest  among young readers in the Arab world, so much so that a translation was needed. 

This work focuses on the study of the Arabic translation of the first book of the saga, titled Harry Potter and  the Philosopherʼs Stone, translated for the first time into Arabic by the Egyptian Saḥar Ǧabr Maḥmūd and  published by the Egyptian publishing house Nahḍat Miṣr in 2002.  

The research focuses on the analysis of specific cultural references that usually pose translation problems due  to the mismatch in the target culture. Within a theoretical framework of Translation Studies, the study  examinesthe translation procedures used to render the following categories: proper names, toponyms, magical  and fantastic creatures and elements, puns, songs and spells.


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How to Cite
De Blasio, E. (2021). Traduzione in arabo del romanzo Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Strategie traduttive e riferimenti culturali specifici. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 12(2), 5-26.