Comunità di pratica, comunità di discorso e comunità testuali tra sincronia e diacronia: alcune considerazioni preliminari

  • Ignazio Efisio Putzu
Keywords: community of practice, discourse community, textual community, historical sociolinguistics


This article outlines briefly the concepts of community of practice, community of discourse and textual community from the perspective of current or possible use in historical sociolinguistics. A brief review of the literature highlights how the tendency to realign communities of practice, on the one hand, and discourse and textual communities, on the other, emerges quite widely in a relationship of inclusive specification: from this point of view, textual communities in particular tend to be understood as communities of practice centred around a text or a textual corpus to which reference is made.


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How to Cite
Putzu, I. (2021). Comunità di pratica, comunità di discorso e comunità testuali tra sincronia e diacronia: alcune considerazioni preliminari. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 12(1), 66-88.