Elementi medio-arabi nel nucleo egiziano della Sīrat Baybars

  • Angela Daiana Langone
Keywords: Sīrat Baybars, Middle Arabic, Arabic dialectology, Levantine Arabic, Egyptian Arabic


Baybars, a Mamluk sultan that ruled in Syria and Egypt in the second half of the XIII century, is one of the most celebrated figures in the Arab culture and his legendary personage inspired a series of epic narratives that constitute the so called Sīrat Baybars. Often considered as a genre belonging to the Arabic literature composed during the medieval period of the decadence, the Sīrat Baybars shows interferences of the dialect(s) spoken by its unknown author(s) within the literary Arabic text. This paper deals with the detection of some of the interferences, i.e. its Middle Arabic features, that are recognizable in the Egyptian nucleus of the Sīrat Baybars.


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How to Cite
Langone, A. (2015). Elementi medio-arabi nel nucleo egiziano della Sīrat Baybars. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 6(1), 37-50. https://doi.org/10.13125/rhesis/5589