Hunbaut: il percorso allegorico di un romanzo parodico

  • Patrizia Maria Serra
Keywords: Hunbaut, Chantilly MS 472, parody, allegory, St. Augustine


The Arthurian romance Humbaut, composed in the late 13th century, is a fragmentary work handed down  by a single manuscript, the well-known Chantilly, Musée Condé 472. In research conducted by previous  scholars, Humbaut is compared to the other romances on Gauvain, which parodically deconstruct this  famous Arthurian character. The aim of this article is to propose a new interpretation of this text. As a  matter of fact, a more detailed analysis of the decisive episodes in the plot sheds new light on the relations  between this romance and the Augustinian tradition, with special reference to De Magistro, which also  focuses on the bond between teacher and pupil.


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How to Cite
Serra, P. (2012). Hunbaut: il percorso allegorico di un romanzo parodico. Rhesis. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology and Literature, 3(2), 143-183.