La battaglia per la verità: movimenti giovanili, neoliberismo e un elogio di Neville Alexander
Il contributo propone la traduzione critica di un articolo scritto dall'accademico dell'Università di Johannesburg Salim Vally sulla vita e il pensiero del linguista e attivista anti-apartheid sudafricano Neville Alexander (1936 - 2012). L'articolo, uscito con il titolo originale The Battle for the Truth – Youth Resistance, Neoliberalism and an Appreciation of Neville Alexander, ripercorre le tappe fondamentali della vita di Alexander, compresa la sua detenzione nel carcere di Robben Island, tracciando un ritratto di intellettuale organico contemporaneo di grande forza esemplare.
Riferimenti bibliografici
Alexander N. (1985), Sow the wind, Skotaville Publishers, Braamfontein.
Alexander N. (1992), Education and the struggle for national liberation in South Africa, Africa World Press, Trenton.
Alexander N. (1993), Some are more equal than others, Buchu Books, Cape Town.
Alexander N. (1994), Robben Island dossier: 1964-1974, UCT Press, Rondebosch.
Alexander N. (2003), An ordinary country: issues in the transition from apartheid to democracy in South Africa, UKZN Press, Scottsville.
Alexander N. (2009), Let us return to the source! In quest of a humanism of the 21st century, Unpublished address delivered on the occasion of the Annual Sipho Maseko Memorial Lecture, University of the Western Cape, 8 October.
Alexander N. (2010), South Africa: an unfinished revolution? Unpublished address delivered on the occasion of the 4th Strini Moodley Annual Memorial Lecture, University of KwaZulu-Natal, 13 May.
Alexander N. (2011), Race is skin deep, humanity is not, “Cape Times”, 15 April.
Cabral A. (1973), Return to the source: selected speeches of Amilcar Cabral, Monthly Review Press, New York.
Eagleton T. (201), Why Marx was right, Yale University Press, New Haven.
Giroux H. (2008), Youth and the politics of education in dark times, in Worlds of difference: rethinking the ethics of global education for the 21st century, ed. P. P. Trifonas, Paradigm Publishers, Boulder, pp. 199– 216.
Gramsci A. (1977), Antonio Gramsci: selections from political writings (1910-1920), ed. Q. Hoare, Lawrence and Wishart, London.
Hanieh A. (2012), Interview with the author on 29 August.
Molefe T. O. (2013), on-the-new-south-africa-by-neville-alexander/.
Wilson F. (2012), Obituary: Neville Alexander, “Cape Times”, 30 August.
Copyright (c) 2024 Salim Vally; Claudia Ortu

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