Seeing in the Future: Dreamy and Hallucinatory Explorations

  • Ezio Pellizer
Keywords: Dreams, Prophecies, Penelope, Hecuba, Cassandra


This paper briefly analyzes some of the prophetic dreams and some visions (Penelope, Hecuba, Cassandra, Polymestor), from Homer to Euripides, to gain a few reflections on the enunciative forms that knowledge of the future can take in narrative (mythical) speech in some literary and theatrical texts of Ancient Greece.


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Author Biography

Ezio Pellizer

Former Lecturer (from 1968 to 1982) of Greek Literature (Professor Luigia A. Stella) at the University of Trieste, and from 1977-78 to 1981-82 he taught Greek-Latin Philology.

As Associate Professor (from 1983), he has taught History of Greek Language, Byzantine Philology and Greek Literature. Full Professor of Greek Literature from 1994 until 2010 at the University of Trieste; Visiting Professor at the Universities of Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brazil) and Pula / Pula (Croatia). He taught Anthropology of Ancient Greece at the Universities of Trieste and Udine, to 2015, and Greek Literature at the University of Udine (2015-16).

Currently, he is coordinator of GRiMM, Research Group on Myth and Mythography, and an independent researcher on Greek mythology and anthropology of ancient Greece. He works on the ongoing updating of the on-line DEMGOL laboratory (Online Etymological Dictionary of Greek Mythology: ).

Among his publications: Favole d’identità – favole di paura (1982); La peripezia dell’eletto (1991); (con M. Bettini), Il mito di Narciso (2003); L'Anthropomorphisme des dieux dans la Grèce antique (2009); (ed.) Ulisse per sempre. Miturgie omeriche e cultura mediterranea (2013)



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How to Cite
Pellizer, E. (2017). Seeing in the Future: Dreamy and Hallucinatory Explorations. Medea, 3(1).
Uses of the Future: Planning, Predicting and Inventing Worlds