Paratextual Transactions: Text and Off Text in William Blake’s Milton and Jerusalem
Il saggio si concentra sulle dinamiche tra testo e paratesto negli ultimi due libri profetici di William Blake, Milton e Jerusalem. A partire dalle riflessioni di Genette in Soglie, si ragionerà su come parola e immagine interagiscono nelle tavole e concorrono a produrre significato. I libri profetici, in quanto opera d’arte “integrata”, implicano una partecipazione attiva da parte del lettore, che deve saper interpretare i molteplici livelli di interazione tra le componenti testuali e paratestuali, all’interno della complessa cornice rappresentata dalla letteratura apocalittica alla quale l’ultima produzione di Blake appartiene.
Riferimenti bibliografici
Bentley 2014a = G. E. Bentley Jr., The Stranger from Paradise: A Biography of William Blake, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 2001.
Bentley 2014b = G. E. Bentley Jr., William Blake in the Desolate Market, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Toronto 2014.
Blunt 1959 = A. Blunt, The Art of William Blake, Columbia University Press, New York 1959.
Damon 2013 = S. F. Damon, A Blake Dictionary. The Ideas and Symbols of William Blake, Updated Edition, Dartmouth College Press, Hannover, NH, 2013.
Dortort 1998 = F. Dortort, The Dialectic of Vision: A Contrary Reading of William Blake’s Jerusalem, Station Hill Arts, Barrytown, NY, 1998.
Erdman 1988 = D. Erdman (ed), The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake, Anchor Books, New York 1988.
Fry 1969 = N. Fry, Fearful Symmetry. An Analysis of William Blake, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1969.
Genette 1997 = G. Genette, Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1997.
Hagstrum 1964 = J. H Hagstrum, William Blake, Poet and Painter: An Introduction to the Illuminated Verse, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1964.
Johnson 2003 = M. L. Johnson, Milton and its Contexts, in Morris Eaves (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to William Blake, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003.
Johnson, Grant 2007 = M. L. Johnson, J. E. Grant (eds), Blake’s Poetry and Designs, Norton Critical Edition, 2nd ed., W. W. Norton, New York 2007.
Llewelyn 1986 = J. Llewelyn, Derrida on the Threshold of Sense, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 1986.
Mee 2003 = J. Mee, Romanticism, Enthusiasm, and Regulation: Poetics and the Policing of Culture in the Romantic Period, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2003.
Rix 2007 = R. Rix, William Blake and the Cultures of Radical Christianity, Ashgate, Aldershot 2007.
Sung 2016 = M.-Y. Sung, William Blake and the Art of Engraving, Routledge, New York 2016.
Vine, Mandell 1993 = S. Vine, S. R. Mandell, Blake’s Poetry: Spectral Visions, Macmillan, Basingstoke 1993.
Viscomi 1993 = J. Viscomi, Blake and the Idea of the Book, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1993.
Werner 1986 = B. C. Werner, Blake’s Vision of the Poetry of Milton: Illustrations to Six Poems, Bucknell University Press, Lewisburg 1986.
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