Biblical Hermeneutics in Paul Ricoeur
Philosophy Encountering the “I Am Who I Am”
The article is a reflection on biblical hermeneutics, an essential part of the most general veritative hermeneutics. It gives different stimulating and interesting inputs for the reflections, opening the horizons on Transcendence and on the possibility of recognizing the advent of salvation, thanks to the presence of the sacredness in chronological time (chrónos). Specifically, we intend to deepen the Paul Ricoeur's perspective on hermeneutics which is related to the interpretation of the words of God: "I am who I am" (Ex. 3:14) where God introduced Himself to Moses to liberate Israel. These words could be read as the essence of God's love and abiding presence among his people, rather than the traditional ontological interpretation of a distant Supreme Being.
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