The Silence of the World

A Philosophical Reading of Pavese’s “The Political Prisoner"

  • Enrico Palma Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche - Università degli studi di Catania


The essay intends to propose an analysis of Pavese’s novel Il carcere in a philosophical-hermeneutic key. It was intended to show how Pavese traces an existential phenomenology, albeit anomalous respect to common experience, of life in prison, from which emerge some philosophical categories that mark living in freedom and in prison. The suspension, the bewilderment and the precariousness of life in prison show, however some of the essential elements that make existence worthy and authentic, as if in the prison we saw the negative of life itself and a great cosmic metaphor to which Pavese indicates some remedies and considerations.


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How to Cite
Palma, E. (2022). The Silence of the World. Critical Hermeneutics, 6(1), 151-176.